Notes Project Output Archive Links
Index table
+ > Intro
+Research Phase
+-28 Feb.-
+-5 Mar.-
+-12 Mar.-
+-19 Mar.-
+-26 Mar.-
+-2 Apr.-
+Develope Tests Spec.
+- 9 Apr.-
+Test Phase
+- 16 Apr.-
+- 23 Apr.-
+- 30 Apr.-
+Review Results
+- 7 May.-
+Prep. Report
+- 14 May.-
+- 21 May.-
+After Project

Introduction to navigation elements

On the top are the 4 main sections of the page.
The section you are in at the moment. It brings up all the information written normally in a logbook. This are notes, remarks, explanations or just a short hint to follow a path later on.
Project Output
At the moment I am not really sure what you will find here. At least my report, which I handed in to my Irish and German supervisor. Hopefully also something to play with, like a software or conclusions we developed during our project.
This is a frame set, which the possibility to browse my file collection. You will need to download the files found to view them. Technically it is a subdirectory from my Linux machine exported via NFS or regularly mirrored via ftp.
The Bookmark collection from my browser. This is created also automatically.

To the left is the index table. It will give navigation through the subsections like the different weeks or parts of my logbook. The small > marks the subsection you are in.
Sometimes it also is used to display a note like in the archive section.
For questions and more better suggestions to the navigation please write me an email at
© and created by Jörg Abendroth