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+ > Prephase
+Research Phase
+-28 Feb.-
+-5 Mar.-
+-12 Mar.-
+-19 Mar.-
+-26 Mar.-
+-2 Apr.-
+Develope Tests Spec.
+- 9 Apr.-
+Test Phase
+- 16 Apr.-
+- 23 Apr.-
+- 30 Apr.-
+Review Results
+- 7 May.-
+Prep. Report
+- 14 May.-
+- 21 May.-
+After Project

Pre Project Phase or Why did I choose this project

First of all I knew the lecturer before, which is big advantage compared to the idea to become a supervisor, which doesn't know about the subject he supervises.
But the main reason was, that I already had experiences in this area. Network administration and questions of bandwidth is something you learn, while using Linux in a student dormitory with Ethernet network. You start to ask yourself, why does the music stop in between and later, can I extend the resources out of my room. And soon you start thinking about wireless networks. Additional I am an amateur radio operator and hence know a wireless network before, the AX25 based packet radio. Basically you have the same problems like in the IEEE802.11, with the extra problem that each station is controlled by a human, which likes to get more bandwidth then average. Hence he tries to compromise the regulation mechanism. I believe bringing voice over a 802.11 implementation could regard to compromise some of its functions, too. I am thinking here especially about the resending of data.
During the internship semester I have written an realtime multimedia driver, which made me understand the need of realtime. And especially its priority for bandwidth before delay (data before no errors).
While doing this project I hope to be able to combine both of the previous skills to become out a even better result than just trying to understand, what other researched in that area.

Things I already know

  • Voice - Multimedia part
    • H323 general idea
    • RTP of H323, protocol for transferring multimedia data over IP (using UDP)
    • Voice coding (lecture DIT and FH-Dib)
    • Idea of loss of data and recovery
  • Network part
    • TCP/IP protocol family, IPX basics
    • setting up a medium sized network (several routers, firewall, gateway)
    • basic measurement idea (number of errors, bandwidth, delay)
    • IEEE 802 protocols position in OSI layer model
  • Radio Communication part
    • knowlegde from lectures and talks with a friend about spread spectrum
    • ASK, FSK, PSK and QPSK modulation
    • interferance and multipath distortions
© and created by Jörg Abendroth